According to the latest roster and with the new law for local government, the Municipalityof Kisela Voda have:
- Total population 58.216
- Natural increase of the population is 4,2‰ per mills
- Optimal density of the population is 99 persons/km2, the most populous is the west part with more than 150 persons/km2, and the least population has the central industrial zone with less than 10 persons/km2.
- Age structure of the population
o Young population to 19 years – 28,6%
o Mature population 20-59 years – 61,3%
o Old population over 60 years – 10,1%
- Activity structure:
o Dependent population 38,4%
o Active population 47,5%
o People with personal remuneration 14,1%
National structure: Macedonians 50702(91,2%); Serbs 1401 (2,62%); Gypsies 716 (1,34%); Vlahos 631 (1,18%); Turks 459 (0,86%); Bosnians 425 (0,80%); Albanians 256 (0,47%) and others (1,53%).