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Questions and answers

Questions and answers :

  • 4.2 Contents of the competition paper

page 5-6:

  • «Synthesis planning solution for the planning scope of city district J 14, with a graphic definition of regulation lines that limit the surfaces and corridors of construction land for public use, the formation of building plots, areas for construction and the method of use of land within the detailed regulation of construction lines, definition of classes of purposes of buildings, maximum building height, maximum number of floors, traffic and Levelman solution, stationary traffic, planned greenery with disposition and greenery specification. Attachment delivered in size R=1:1000 (2000X1500mm format)» (i.e. 2A0)

-This attachment, which seems to be the analytic Masterplan Layout is a board or a rolled drawing sent in a cylinder?

-Why is indicated a scale of R:1:1000?, since in 5.3 it is written: «Graphic attachments should be made separately for each zone, or construction at a scale chosen by the participants for a clear representation of the urban/architectural concept.» Is that referred to the rest of the attachments?


page 6:

  • «The situation of and a presentation on the territory of the planning scope in the context of the wider environment R = 1: 1000 (with a solution for internal and stationary traffic, leveling solution, landscape arrangement with horticulture)»

-This attachment, which seems to be the general Masterplan Layout is a board or a rolled up drawing sent in a cylinder?

-Why is indicated a scale of R:1:1000?, since in 5.3 it is written: «Graphic attachments should be made separately for each zone, or construction at a scale chosen by the participants for a clear representation of the urban/architectural concept.» Is that referred to the rest of the attachments?


page 6:

Each competition paper for planned blocks belonging in full or in part to ZONE 1 shall contain the following attachments:

  • Situation plan of the Zone with a view of the fifth facade, the roofs of the buildings (with regulatory lines and leveling elements, entrance, height and number of floors) R = 1: 500, (format А1 841X594mm)

The ZONE1 in the 1:500 scale does not enter in the the A1 Format but in the 4A0 and the cutting of the Zone 1 will not allow its understanding in relation to the context. Is the scale something that the organizers or the designers should reconsider? We think that the 1:1000 scale is more appropriate

Τhe same applies to the rest of the attachments as seen below

• Situation plan of the ground floor with view of landscape arrangement R=1:500 (format А1 841X594mm)

• Characteristic foundations of newly designed buildings within a block of choice of participant R=1:500 (format A1 841X594mm)

• Characteristic cross-sections through the location and buildings R=1:500 (format А1 841X594mm),

• Characteristic appearance of the buildings and their appearance in the context of the surroundings and along the streets R=1:500 (format А1 841X594mm)

• 3D displays of choice of participants in the Competition (at least one attachment with 3D view) (format А1 841X594mm).


So, which are, exactly, the deliverables (attachments)?

Is it possible to list them clearly in order not to have problems_

One Text Section

Tables with Numeric Indicators per each zone

One Drawing in 2000×1500 format

One Drawing with the representation on the Territory of the planning scope in the wider environment

One A1 with 3d views

A1 attachments for each bullet described for ZONE 1, 2, 3, 4 (page 6, 4.2 Contents of the competition paper) [as many as needed, but with the reconsideration of the scale]

3 to 5 Billboards 50×70

So the ONLY billboards will be on a hard surface and the other attachments will be rolled up?




Thank you for your interest. These are the answers to your questions:

Point 4.3 Scale, language and format from the document COMPETITION RULESnotes that all attachments to the competition work should be submitted in .pdf format, besides the synthesized urban plandrawing which should be submitted in .dwg format as well.

Point 5.4 Material for the exhibition of competition works from the document COMPETITION RULES notes that the participants should submit 3-5 billboards with content of the participant’s choice in .pdf format for the presentation of the competition work for the planned exhibition.

According to the above, printed forms are not mandatory for none of attachments, except for documents stated in point 5.6 Author envelopes and their contents from the document COMPETITION RULES.

The possibility of choice for scale and graphic format is meant for any additional attachments which the participant might deliver.


Point 5.3 Graphic attachments from the document COMPETITION RULES notes that the scale for the Graphic attachments for blocks or buildings is predefined.

Point C.  SPECIAL PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS PLANNING from the document PROGRAM GUIDELINES, notes that the participants are asked to define the block division of the city quarter J 14.

According to the above, participants are asked to define the block division and urban units (building plots, public areas) which will be presented in scale 1/500 on a predefined format. Graphic presentation for the whole of ZONE 1 on one sheet is not required in this scale.


Printed form is mandatoryonly for documents at point 5.6 Author envelopes and their contents from the document COMPETITION RULES, submitted in two sealed envelopes, one marked “Author” and the other marked “Return address of the competition paper”, in A4 format.

All the other mandatory attachments of the competition work, as noted in point 4 and point 5, which are numbered below, should be submitted in digital form:


1. Text section explaining the planning design and tables(.pdf)

2. Synthesized urban plan drawing of the planning area of city quarter J 14, R=1:1000 (paper size: 2000X1500mm), (.pdf, .dwg).

3. 3D views from specified viewpoints and directions (paper size: A1 841X594mm), (.pdf).

4. Site plan with top view of buildings’ roofs for each planned block in ZONE 1,2,3, R = 1: 500, (paper size: А1 841X594mm), (.pdf).

5. Site plan with ground floors and landscaping for all designed buildings in ZONE 1, R=1:500 (paper size:  А1 841X594mm) (.pdf).

6. Typical floor plans of at least one of the designed buildings within a block of choice of the participant in ZONE 1, R=1:500 (paper size: A1 841X594mm) (.pdf).

7. Typical building cross-sections of at least one of the designed buildings within a block of choice of the participant in ZONE 1, R=1:500 (paper size: А1 841X594mm), (.pdf).

8. Building elevations and their appearance in the surrounding context of at least one of the designed buildings within a block of choice of the participant in ZONE 1, R=1:500 (paper size: А1 841X594mm), (.pdf).

9. 3D views of at least one of the designed buildings within a block of choice of the participant in ZONE 1, R=1:500 (paper size: А1 841X594mm), (.pdf).

10. Graphical representation of the concept and a brief textual explanation presented on billboard (50×70 cm). The number of billboards is participants’ choice (minimum required 3, up to a maximum of 5)  (.pdf).


With respect,

Commission for conducting a competition


I have the following questions to the competition for Rasadnik


  • What is serial number in 5.5 of the competition documentation? 
  • I would like to know if all attachments should be printed and given by cd or usb? If the attachments should be printed i would like to as if the papers can be folded? 
  • Where should the project CD be in the package?





In point 4.3 Scale, language and format of the document Competition conditions, it is stated that all attachments to the competition paper are submitted in .pdf format, and the synthetic planning solution in .dwg format.

In point 5.4 Material for the exhibition of the competition papers from the document Competition conditions, it is stated that according to the student’s choice, 3-5 panels are submitted in .pdf format which the student proposes for the presentation of his competition paper at the planned exhibition.

As a consequence of the above, the printed form of any supplement is not mandatory, except for the documents from point 5.6 Author’s application and content from the document Competition conditions.

With respect,

Commission for conducting a competition

  • In Page 21 of the Program Guidelines,it is written:

“Within the particular surface of the entire Zone 3, the current state of substandard physical structure which is with buildings intended for housing in residential homes, formed by illegally constructed buildings and certified, needs to be overcome and offer quality solution both in terms of capacity of the location, but more in terms of high aesthetic and visual urbomorphological features.
Participants are expected in line with the spatial and program needs for quality housing, as well as modern trends of development of this kind intended typology of buildings, creative solution, ambient and technologically modern, which also optimally utilizes the capacity of the location, rational, but also attractive architectural solution that meets the needs of different user groups.[…] For each building or group of buildings -connected in common construction area it is necessary to take account of the extent of implementation and ownership rights in enlarging to recognize cadastral parcels with formation of new building lots and land for construction.
Access and movement around and through the locality to be resolved under the principles of sustainable mobility, with priority on pedestrian and bicycle movement, calming automobile traffic (applying meanderings of motor traffic, elevation of the area of a pedestrian crossing) and the removal of barriers and so on.”

Soits seems that the whole Zone 3 could be redesigned according to more sub urban characteristics. Is that so? Αt what extent are we expected to intervene? is there a limit or this limit is given by us anyway?




For ZONE 3, no special direction or limitation has been defined in terms of approach during planning, setting aside point B.GENERAL PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS from the Program Guidelines document.

With respect,

Commission for conducting a competition

  • We are very delighted to participate in the competition. It would be much more appreciated if we can get all of the documents and maps in the English version




The documents that have been shared are official documents and are only in the Macedonian language, which is why we do not have the opportunity to deliver them to you in English.

With respect,

Commission for conducting a competition

  • We are glad that the Municipality of Kislea Voda is announcing a competition.
    Could we get the necessary documentation for entering the contest, or make the address available for copy/paste on your website.

    – Answer :

    Thank you for your interest and we are sending you a link from the Kisela Voda municipality website where you can get all the necessary documentation.
    If you have additional questions, we are at your disposal.

    With respect,
    Commission for conducting a competition


  • I use this opportunity to inform you that the cadastral areas KP 3970/2, KP 3970/3 as well as KP 3970/4 KO Kisela Voda within the DUP J-14 (Rasadnik) are in PRIVATE OWNERSHIP, and not as you have mistakenly stated. marked on the RM in the Drawing with marked ownership of the cadastral plots. I hope that it is not a violation of our right to property, but an unintentional mistake that you will correct yourself.

    – Answer
    Your remark will be taken into account during the preparation of the planning documentation for the detailed urban plan Rasadnik J-14. However, it is about values that are informational and are part of the creation of an idea – architectural solution that is made available to the participants.

    With respect,
    Commission for conducting a competition

  • Salam alaykum, i hope that you are doing well, I’m from Algeria, can i participate in this competition online by email?

    – Answer


    According to the competition rules it is not possible to participate by email. The competition paper should be submitted no later than 11.11.2022 at 10:00 a.m. (local time) by post or in person by submitting it to the archive of Kisela Voda municipality.

    With respect,
    Commission for conducting a competition

  • Could you tell me if there are restrictions on participating countries? Can i and the team participate in the competition if we have an architect with a Ukrainian license in the team?

    – Answer


    There are no restrictions regarding the country of origin of the individual participants to the Competition, nor there are any restrictions regarding the country of business in case of participation as legal entity. The Organizer welcomes the international participants that fulfil the professional criteria of the Competition.

    Kind regards,
    Commission for conducting the Competition


  • Could I apply individually to the competition if I hold a bachelor’s degree in the field of landscape architecture with 5 years of work experience and an MSc in Landscape Urbanism?

    – Answer


    The Organizer welcomes the participants with landscape architecture degree that fulfil the professional criteria of the competition.

    Commission for conducting the Competition


  • Could you tell me if there are restrictions on participating countries? Can i and the team participate in the competition if we have an architect with a Ukrainian license in the team?

    – Answer


    There are no restrictions regarding the country of origin of the individual participants to the Competition, nor there are any restrictions regarding the country of business in case of participation as legal entity. The Organizer welcomes the international participants that fulfil the professional criteria of the Competition.

    Kind regards,
    Commission for conducting the Competition

  • 1. In what direction should the article be written for Zone 2?
    2. Where is the FAQ contest?
    3.Is it possible to participate in the contest for only one zone and only design it?
    4. We want to participate from Iran, do we need to present a special document?

    – Answer


    We will answer the questions, as answered:
    1. Contents of the competition paper for zone 2 is described in article 4. COMPETITION RULES 4.2. Contents of the competition paper
    2. Frequently asked questions will be published on the web side of the municipality of Kisela Voda
    3. It is not possible to participate for only one zone.
    4. The Organizer welcomes the international participants that fulfil the professional criteria of the Competition.
    Kind regards,
    Commission for conducting the Competition

  • I would like to state that I am an architecture student pursuing my undergraduate degree. I am interested in the recent design competition launched under the government of MK. I wanted to enquire about the registration process for the competition since there are no specific details in the brochure provided.

    – Answer


    According to the article 4.1. Rules for participation and implementation of the contest
    – The right to participate in this competition has the right of any natural person, regardless of their state territorial affiliation (citizenship), a graduate in the field of architecture or urban planning or a legal entity with at least one employee with a higher professional education in the field of architecture or urban planning.
    – The participation of other professionals with acquired higher education from other fields, experts from different fields, as well as students is allowed in the work teams, according to the needs for the preparation of the competitive paper.

    The Competition documentation can be downloaded free of charge on the following link

    Kind regards,
    Commission for conducting the Competition






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